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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Nappy Rash Solutions

How to prevent nappy rash:
The first thing is to check the nappy you are using. Is it keeping your bub dry? Softbots' nappies use suedecloth to wick moisture through to the absorbent insert inside. This keeps baby dry and in most cases, will stop nappy rash from occurring.

Giving your baby nappy free time will also assist in prevention and help to heal nappy rash if it does occur. Some babies have more sensitive skin and others get some nappy rash at times such as teething. A water-based cream can be used with these nappies. If you need to use an oil-based cream you could also place the bamboo insert on top of (as opposed to inside) the pocket nappy so it is directly against the skin. The urine will then also stay against their skin so you would need to make sure they are changed very regularly.

Suggested water-based creams: Aqueous creams such as the brand David Craig are available in pharnacies. I have also used a water-based calendula cream from a health food store. There would be many more available and are ok to use as long as they are water-based. Oil-based barrier creams will coat the surface of the nappy preventing it from working correctly.

For babies with extra sensitive skin we have designed a range of Sensitivebots nappies. 
We make these especially for babies who have allergic reactions to synthetic nappy fabrics. The bamboo velour is luxuriously soft and will work well on sensitive bottoms. While most babies' skin copes better with a synthetic fabric which keeps their bottom dry, there are some who are better off with a natural fibre which does remain wet.

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